Sony Xperia Tipo Dual features a 800MHz single-core processor, 512MB of RAM and 2GB of internal storage and it has Android 4.0 IceCream Sandwich. It has in-built photo light, 3D sweep panorama and auto focus functions enabled with 4X digital zoom. And below the camera is a speaker grill. It lacks with front facing camera. Below the screen is a physical home key with back and menu key along its sides.
Sony Xperia Tipo Dual is a dual super model with handset dimension is 103 mm, 57 mm and 13 mm in height, width and depth and is 99.4 gm in weight. It has in-built 2.5 GB user accessible memory with 512 MB RAM and 800 MHz Processor .The phone comes with 3.2 inches scratch-resistant TFT touch screen with 320 x 480 pixels screen resolution. It is available in Black, Red, Blue and white colours. On the top it has a 3.5 mm earjack.
This smartphone allows you to extend it up to 32 GB through micro SD extension slot. The right side has a USB charger/PC connecting port whereas, the left side of the phone gives you volume/camera key on the upper side.
is has less weight and is handy. Overall, the phone is handy with a different and attractive look but lacks with the small screen size. In India, the Sony Xperia Tipo Dual phone price is Rs.9450 from Sulekha mobiles
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